Fischer−Tropsch (FT) synthesis is a catalytic process where synthesis gas (CO and H2) is converted into long-chain hydrocarbons. This chemical process holds great promise for the future as the produced liquid fuels and chemicals are significantly cleaner than their respective crude oil derivatives and can be produced from biomass or electrochemically produced CO and H2. The research in Amsterdam spans from surface science set-ups to full scale pilot plant facilities. In our research group we have typically two or three students working on various projects. Each project consists of a mixture of experiments in the laboratory and data analysis. A short description of currently available projects is given below, but depending on your background and interest, the project scope can be adapted.

This research assignment focusses on catalyst deactivation. Catalyst deactivation is inevitable and is always multifaceted including mechanisms like poisoning, sintering, oxidation and carbon laydown. The project involves the preparation and testing of catalysts at extreme process conditions. Moreover, characterization of both fresh and used catalysts is done with techniques that can partly be operated by yourself or are done by colleagues in the analytical department. The aim of this project is to improve the long-term stability of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.

We are looking for students who like a combination of practical laboratory work and data analysis and who can read scientific papers. Good mastery of the Dutch and English languages is preferred.

This internship is open for students from 3rd year onwards, both from universities or the university of applied sciences (Hogeschool). The minimum internship duration is four months, while a longer stay is preferred. If you are interested, or when you want to obtain further information you can contact or

What we offer:

A laptop will be provided for use during the internship and there will also be an internship allowance and a travel expense allowance; these will be arranged by the agency that also takes care of the further administrative handling of the internships. During the internship, there is the opportunity to widen your horizons by joining the Young Shell network and gain new contacts there.